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One of the questions I get asked all of the time is: What can my family be doing now to prepare my student for college and beyond?

My answer: Strive to raise students who are independent, responsible, and citizens. How? Create family systems that are rooted in values and hold children accountable for carrying their share of the chores and responsibilities.

We refer to The Command Center as the place in the home where we keep schedules, chore charts, and manage weekly finances. This can be a bulletin board, a bedroom wall or a refrigerator. What’s important is that it is located in the home where parents can manage and make changes, and children can own and take responsibility. It’s also important to note that it is designed with the realization that this area and the materials in it are subject to change as children grow and needs shift.

Some examples include:

  • Post family values, or special quotes that sets the tone for the space
  • Create a family calendar where everyone’s schedule is laid out for the week
  • Message board with markers, chalk for reminders
  • Chore expectations in chart, lists, on clipboards
  • Weekly allowance system, envelopes, money clips, mason jars
  • Sticky notes for last minute thoughts

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