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$$$$$$$Let’s talk money $$$$$$$$

Yes, Let’s get uncomfortable and talk about money.

My first experience with “talking money” was at my Grandmomy’s dinner table when I was around eight years old when I cried out: 


(My  Grandmommy’s table was always beautiful, with burning candles, perfectly folded napkins, and fancy plates that looked gold-plated to me.) 

You would have thought I had hurled THE WORST curse word on the planet at my Grandparents. 

“Don’t You EVER” talks about money in front of anyone. That is a private matter!”

Even writing this passage, I feel the shame bubbling up inside me. 

When I raised my own kids, I was committed to being open and transparent about what our financial values were; I worked to be careful to watch my language (We aren’t choosing to spend our money that way instead of “we can’t afford.”  My kids watched my husband and I earn our money through consulting and coaching. I even wrote an Ebook called the Entitlement Antidone and created a Family Economy. 

When I shifted my focus to College Consulting, I was surprised that most families were still operating in my Grandommy’s limiting beliefs It is clear that even today, PARENTS are NOT comfortable talking about money to their children. 


When I meet with families, one of the first things I do is to talk about money:

  • “Get real” about what is the financial situation.”
  • How Can I support Financial Fit in building a college list 
  • Share with them the BEST resources I can access to empower


Yesterday, I was jazzed to talk to for 30 minutes about what parents need to know! You can access it by joining our free parent community or listening here to our podcast.


In this podcast you will get answers to these questions: 

  • How do you start a budget for college?
  • Why is a budget important?
  • Should everyone submit the FAFSA? CSS Profile?
  • What is the best way to get merit scholarships?
  • One of the best ways to get money from colleges?
  • What do you mean by financially fit colleges?
  • Why is a tuition bill review important?


There are many reasons why parents may not want to talk to their children about money. Some of the most common reasons include:

  • Many people have a negative relationship with money, and they may not feel like they have a good understanding of it themselves. This can make it difficult to talk to their children about it in a way that is helpful and informative.
  • Some parents may be worried that their children will be upset or anxious to learn about the family’s financial situation. They may also be worried that their children will start asking for things that they cannot afford.
  • Some parents believe that their children should not have to worry about the family’s finances. They may think that it’s their responsibility to provide for their children and that their children should not have to know about the sacrifices that they are making.
  • They may have cultural taboos about talking about money. In some cultures, it is considered rude or impolite to talk about money openly. Parents from these cultures may feel uncomfortable talking to their children about money, even if they want to.

However, there are many good reasons why parents should talk to their children about money. Some of the benefits of talking to children about money include:

  • It can help them to develop healthy financial habits. Children who learn about money at a young age are likelier to develop healthy financial habits as adults. They are also more likely to be successful in managing their own money.
  • It can help them to understand the value of money. When children understand how much money their parents have and how much it costs to live, they are more likely to appreciate the value of money. This can help them to make wise financial decisions later in life.
  • It can build trust and communication between parents and children. Talking to children about money shows them that their parents trust them and that they value their opinions. This can help to build a strong and trusting relationship between parents and children.
  • It can prepare them for financial independence. As children grow older, they will need to be able to make their own financial decisions. Talking to them about money at a young age can help them develop the skills and knowledge they need to be financially independent.

If you are a parent, here are some tips for talking to your children about money:

  • Start early. You can start talking to your children about money as soon as they are old enough to understand basic concepts like buying and selling.
  • Be honest and open. Don’t try to hide your financial situation from your children. Be honest with them about how much money you have, how much you spend, and how much you save.
  • Make it fun and engaging. There are many fun and engaging ways to talk to children about money. You can play games, read books, or even just have a conversation about your own financial journey.
  • Be positive. Focus on the positive aspects of money, such as how it can help you to achieve your goals and dreams. Avoid talking about money in a negative way, such as focusing on debt or financial stress.
  • Be a role model. Children learn by watching the adults in their lives. Be a good role model by making wise financial decisions and demonstrating healthy financial habits.


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